How to host karaoke? - Tips for beginners 🎤

Minutes to read 4
Jan 26, 2024 2:32:21 PM

Karaoke host, master of ceremonies, or host/hostess. A professional has many names, and each of them can be misleading because, in addition to speaking skills, the toolkit should include an ear for mixing and a keen sense for achieving the best customer experience. 

KJs ("karaoke jockeys") are entertainment multitaskers who elevate customers' karaoke experience to a whole new level. A skilled host is a combination of a speech professional, performer, and customer service representative all wrapped up in one package.

In this article, we'll tell you how to become a seasoned professional in karaoke and provide tips for developing your expertise.


1. Host with a smile 😎

The customer has arrived to enjoy the evening, so do your best to exceed expectations. You speak to the entire venue during the gig and hold an exceptional position compared to the rest of the staff because you are the voice and face of the karaoke.

Be enthusiastic, praise, encourage, be active and genuine, and most importantly, do your job with the mindset of "the best gig ever" from the first performance. The best bands play a gig with the same energy, whether there are 3 or 3000 people in the audience. Operate with the same mentality because customers absorb energy from you and will undoubtedly spread the word


What if...

Often, the host is perceived as a quick-witted comedian, but it's good to shake off those stereotypes. The most important thing in the host's work is to operate with your own strengths and learn by doing. If you're not a natural wordsmith, or situational comedy isn't your greatest strength, you might still have an impressive amount of trivia about the background of a song. Use your own strengths and learn by doing what works and what doesn't.


2. Know your devices 🎤

Even the best script won't save you if the microphones are buzzing and you're at a loss for words. A karaoke host's basic skills include a good understanding of the technology involved. Familiarize yourself with the technology used in karaoke, and recognize the effects of the most important knobs and sliders.

In addition to the technology, it's good to get to know karaoke services like Feelment. You can always give us a call, and we'll provide training, even on-site if needed. Our technical support can help you with issues and guide you in using the technology.

You don't have to be a pro at mixing a singer's voice right from the start; focus on the basics. Once you gain confidence in the fundamentals, it's a good idea to learn how to mix different vocal ranges to achieve the best possible sound.


3. Know the rules👩‍⚖️

In karaoke, there's a generally accepted gentleman's code, where each person gets their turn, and there can only be one song in the queue at a time. You can request a new song after your own performance. Some hosts may allow singers to select multiple songs at once but organize the queue to ensure fairness.

You're also responsible for the venue's equipment, so instruct customers on how to use the microphone. Depending on the singer's condition, it's possible that the microphone might be sung into like a grill (the microphone "grille") placed against the cheek or dropped at the end of the performance.


What if...

A generous customer slips a purple bill into your hand and insists on jumping to the front of the queue. What do you do? Of course, you don't let them cut without informing anyone because you're already getting paid a salary, and manipulating the karaoke queue would make other customers feel like they've just been betrayed. This has a significant impact on the customer's overall opinion of the restaurant.

We've heard amusing solutions from professionals. For example, the customer buys a round for the bar and can skip the line if it's okay with other singers.

You can navigate fair solutions, as long as all other singers are aware of it.


4. Develop your professional skills 🧐

Karaoke features a lot of the same songs, and timeless classics consistently top the lists year after year. Familiarize yourself with popular songs and artists, giving you interesting anecdotes for your spiels. You can also develop various introductions or exits in advance to rely on. Having knowledge of music will help you suggest songs to singers who ask for your input.

In addition to karaoke, make yourself familiar with the staff and, when possible, assist with tasks like blocking.


Good to know

1. Don't joke at the customer's expense.

The singing voice, physical appearance, and musical taste are highly personal, so be careful about what you say into the microphone, as only you can hear the customer, and everyone can hear you

2. Praise even the worst singer.

Every performance is worthy of praise, even if the words were unclear, and the desired note was never found in the song. The essence of karaoke is not perfect singing. So always find something positive to say. The feeling, atmosphere, interpretation, or whatever catches your attention.

3. Help when requested.

If the singer is nervous or the customer wants you to sing along, you don't necessarily have to know how to sing or know the song. Grab another mic, and often, the customer may end up singing the song completely without your assistance, even if they don't know it themselves.

4. Learn from your colleagues

Confidence shows, and it comes through experience. You can boost your skills by learning from the best. Go to a karaoke bar where you know the karaoke host entertains customers and observe how they do their job. Don't copy, but take note.

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What is Feelment®

Feelment is a domestic karaoke service designed for businesses and associations. The karaoke selection is the most extensive on the market, including over 50% more Finnish songs than the closest competitor. If you're looking for an easy-to-use and versatile karaoke service, you can try Feelment for free for a month 😊


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